Google SMTP Setup - 2023

SMTP Setup

Instructions on how to setup SMTP mail access for: Github: Target-TimeTransfer

Email Configuration Steps:

  • Go to your Google Account 'App Password' settings:
  • Enter an app name (e.g., "Target-Time")
  • Create -> Copy App Password -> Done
  • Return to the .env
  • Use the email linked to your google account for: smtp_user
  • Paste the generated app password into smtp_password
  • Optional: Obtain the SMTP Server Port Number:
    • The SMTP server port number is specific to your email service provider. The default is Google:587, but you can change to another service if needed:
      • Google: Port 587 or 465 (TLS/SSL)
      • Port 587 or 25
      • Yahoo Mail: Port 587 or 465 (SSL)
      • AOL Mail: Port 587 or 465 (SSL)
      • Office 365: Port 587 or 25
    • Update smtp_port
      with the appropriate port number.